Thursday, January 8, 2015

This is going to be my year!


Hey everyone! (and by everyone I mean anyone who happens to stop by)

I am back. Well, at least I think I am. I want to start losing weight again, but man it is hard. My mind isn't in it. I thought if I come back here and start letting my feelings out again that it might help. If you don't know me very well then you wont know that I previously blogged about fitness and staying active, blah blah blah, before when I was healthier. I had lost 50 + pounds and was feeling fantastic! Then after a miscarriage and then a pregnancy where I gained 30 lbs (because I was too paranoid of losing the baby to push my body hard) I fell off the deep end. I am not quite back to the 210 lbs I was before, but I am up there at 189.

Phew! Those are some hard numbers to swallow. I want to make them go away, but the only way (I know) is through hard work and eating well. I have joined the Chris Powell dietbet. Maybe not for the best reasons (the pot is ridiculous!), but I am hoping it will get me motivated to lose. I want to share my struggles and my highs. I want to remember losing the weight for the LAST time! It wont be with some gimmicky diet or ridiculous starvation routine, but rather eating healthy, counting calories, and working my butt (literally) off. I could use any support to keep me motivated.

Thankfully I have an amazing husband who stands by me! I am so grateful for him! Here is the waking up at 6:15 and running so I can start this change.

This week - 189
Goal - lose 2 lbs 187! I can do this!!!
Maybe if I get enough followers when I am done with my journey I will post my before and after stats...oh heck...if I get to my goal....I will definitely post them! haha

I'm Taryn...TOOTLES and out... :)

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